RSI Bands, RSI %B and RSI Bandwidth
======== RSI Bands ========
= Geliştirici: LazyBear
= Yazar: Kripex
study("RSI Bands [LazyBear]", shorttitle="RSIBANDS_LB", overlay=true)
obLevel = input(70, title="RSI Overbought")
osLevel = input(30, title="RSI Oversold")
length = input(14, title="RSI Length")
ep = 2 * length - 1
auc = ema( max( src - src[1], 0 ), ep )
adc = ema( max( src[1] - src, 0 ), ep )
x1 = (length - 1) * ( adc * obLevel / (100-obLevel) - auc)
ub = iff( x1 >= 0, src + x1, src + x1 * (100-obLevel)/obLevel )
x2 = (length - 1) * ( adc * osLevel / (100-osLevel) - auc)
lb = iff( x2 >= 0, src + x2, src + x2 * (100-osLevel)/osLevel )
plot( ub, title="Resistance", color=red, linewidth=2)
plot( lb, title="Support", color=green, linewidth=2)
plot( avg(ub, lb), title="RSI Midline", color=gray, linewidth=1)
======== RSI Bands ========
= Geliştirici: LazyBear
= Yazar: Kripex
study("RSI Bands [LazyBear]", shorttitle="RSIBANDS_LB", overlay=true)
obLevel = input(70, title="RSI Overbought")
osLevel = input(30, title="RSI Oversold")
length = input(14, title="RSI Length")
ep = 2 * length - 1
auc = ema( max( src - src[1], 0 ), ep )
adc = ema( max( src[1] - src, 0 ), ep )
x1 = (length - 1) * ( adc * obLevel / (100-obLevel) - auc)
ub = iff( x1 >= 0, src + x1, src + x1 * (100-obLevel)/obLevel )
x2 = (length - 1) * ( adc * osLevel / (100-osLevel) - auc)
lb = iff( x2 >= 0, src + x2, src + x2 * (100-osLevel)/osLevel )
plot( ub, title="Resistance", color=red, linewidth=2)
plot( lb, title="Support", color=green, linewidth=2)
plot( avg(ub, lb), title="RSI Midline", color=gray, linewidth=1)
// List of all my indicators:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Matriks.Data.Identifiers;
using Matriks.Data.Symbol;
using Matriks.Engines;
using Matriks.Indicators;
using Matriks.Symbols;
using Matriks.AlgoTrader;
using Matriks.Trader.Core;
using Matriks.Trader.Core.Fields;
using Matriks.Trader.Core.TraderModels;
using Matriks.Lean.Algotrader.AlgoBase;
using Matriks.Lean.Algotrader.Models;
using Matriks.Lean.Algotrader.Trading;
namespace Matriks.Lean.Algotrader
//Ilk parametre indikatörün adı, sınıfın adıyla aynı olmalıdır.
//Ikinci parametre indikatörün Dataserisinin üzerine mi yeni pencereye mi ekleneceğini belirtir. Yeni pencere için ->IndicatorDrawingArea.NewWindow , Data Serisi için IndicatorDrawingArea.OnDataSeries
[IndicatorInformationAttribute("RsiBandKripex", IndicatorDrawingArea.OnDataSeries)]
//Indikatörün çizgilerinin isimleri
[IndicatorLineInformationAttribute(new []
"Resistance (0,1,2,3)","RSI Midline","Support"
}, new []
"#00CCFF", "#FFFF00", "#e600de"
}, new []
false, false, false
}, new []
0, 0, 0
}, new []
1, 1, 1
public class RsiBandKripex : MatriksIndicator
//Indicator opsiyon panelinde değerleri değiştirebildiğimiz parametreler. Int, Bool, Decimal ve Enum değerleri alabilir.Tüm değişken tiplerini DefaultValue ile tanımlarız.
public int Period
get; set;
public decimal OversoldLevel
get; set;
public decimal OverboughtdLevel
get; set;
public MovMethod MovMethod
get; set;
MOV ema1, ema2;
public sealed override void OnInit()
var ep = 2 * Period -1;
ema1 = new MOV(ep, MovMethod);
ema2 = new MOV(ep, MovMethod);
public override void OnDataUpdate(int currentBar, decimal inputValue, DateTime barDateTime)
if (currentBar < Period)
SetLine(0, currentBar, 0);
SetLine(1, currentBar, 0);
SetLine(2, currentBar, 0);
return ;
ep = 2 * length - 1
auc = ema( max( src - src[1], 0 ), ep )
adc = ema( max( src[1] - src, 0 ), ep )
var close = Instrument.SymbolBarData.Close[currentBar];
var prevClose = Instrument.SymbolBarData.Close[currentBar -1];
var ema1Deger = 0.0m;
var ema2Deger = 0.0m;
if (close>prevClose)
ema1Deger = close - prevClose;
ema2Deger = prevClose - close;
ema1.Update(ema1Deger, currentBar, barDateTime);
ema2.Update(ema2Deger, currentBar, barDateTime);
x1 = (length - 1) * ( adc * obLevel / (100-obLevel) - auc)
ub = iff( x1 >= 0, src + x1, src + x1 * (100-obLevel)/obLevel )
x2 = (length - 1) * ( adc * osLevel / (100-osLevel) - auc)
lb = iff( x2 >= 0, src + x2, src + x2 * (100-osLevel)/osLevel )
var x1 = (100 - OverboughtdLevel) != 0? (Period -1) * (ema2.CurrentValue * OverboughtdLevel / (100 - OverboughtdLevel) - ema1.CurrentValue) :0;
var ub = x1 >= 0? close + x1:(OverboughtdLevel != 0? close + x1 * (100 - OverboughtdLevel) / OverboughtdLevel:0);
var x2 = (100 - OversoldLevel) != 0? (Period -1) * (ema2.CurrentValue * OversoldLevel / (100 - OversoldLevel) - ema1.CurrentValue) :0;
var lb = x2 >= 0? close + x2:(OversoldLevel != 0? close + x2 * (100 - OversoldLevel) / OversoldLevel:0);
plot( ub, title="Resistance", color=red, linewidth=2)
plot( lb, title="Support", color=green, linewidth=2)
plot( avg(ub, lb), title="RSI Midline", color=gray, linewidth=1)
SetLine(0, currentBar, ub);
SetLine(1, currentBar, (ub+lb)/2);
SetLine(2, currentBar, lb);